Change to Product: Kirby Morgan helmets and bandmasks

Change to Product: Kirby Morgan helmets and bandmasks
The 455 Stainless Steel, Balanced Regulator is Now Available as an Option from the Factory for the following Helmets & Band Masks AT NO EXTRA COST

Helmets & Masks Affected: 500-050 & 051 KM 37 Helmets 500-040 & 041 SuperLite 27 Helmets 500-600 & 599 SuperLite 17C Helmets 500-028 & 029 KMB 28 Bandmasks 500-025 & 026 KMB 18 Bandmasks

The SuperFlow 350 regulator (P/N 505-069) will continue to be an available option. No price increase for the 455 (P/N 505-455) versions at this time!