Diver Video and Audio System ready for Despatch

Diver Video and Audio System ready for Despatch
We currently have a C-Vision Solo and E-Phone 2 system ready to be despatched to a client. It has been fully tested to meet the harsh requirements of working environments. The system has been engineered to be perfect for both inshore and offshore operations. It allows the operator to monitor and record whilst also being able to communicate audibly to the diver.

The file compression feature will allow between 150 hours and 3000 hours of video footage to be saved onto an internal hard drive. The diver’s camera and light can be operated from the control unit making it perfect for remote diver assistance. The footage is viewed on a 12.1” daytime viewing screen with excellent picture quality.

If you would to enquire about this system or any of our other commercial diving products, please contact our sales team on +44 (0)1772 687775 or via email [email protected].