Hot Water Machine first large project shipped in 2023

Hot Water Machine first large project shipped in 2023
A hot water machine has just been completed in the SMP workshop. The system has been designed to be used by military divers whilst this one is for a dive school and will be shipped in the coming week.

The SMP Diver Hot Water Machine OF6000 is a three diver, diesel fire system. The system has three individually controlled heat exchangers, and each burner unit can provide 58,000 Kcal of thermic power. It also has three 50 litre hot water receivers and has a stainless-steel submersible pump which can pump water at a rate of 11 gallons per minute. The system can operate up to 10 Bar depth.

The system has been made bespoke to the client’s requirements, one of the requirements being to have stainless steel side panels. Typically, SMP Hot Water Machines are made with coated steel rather than stainless-steel.

Diver Hot Water Machines are designed to keep divers warm during cold water diving operations by pumping hot water down to a diver wearing a hot water suit. The OF6000 is fitted with a digital control unit which will automatically maintain the temperature to within + or – 1°C.

We manufacture a range of diver hot water machines designed for one, two and three divers to suit a multitude of different diving operations. These systems can be made to be bespoke to the clients’ requirements.

If you would like to know more about the systems SMP offer, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or on +44 (0)1772 687775.