Manufacturing a Bespoke Diving Panel for Military Sector
The client approached SMP with a need for a custom sized diving panel to fit within one of their containerised systems. The Scotland based client operates within the military sector and monitors the condition of naval wreckages. These wrecks are monitored to make sure there is no threat of seawaters being polluted by toxic materials.
SMP built a bespoke diving system that was custom sized to the space that the client had given details about. This bespoke system can monitor two divers air supplies as well as monitoring their depths.
Our diving panels conform to relevant Association of Diving Contractors, Health & Safety Executive, International Marine Contractors Association, and Oil and Gas Producers guidelines. Manufactured to the highest quality so you can rely on them in the most challenging conditions and environments.
SMP is an experienced provider of Diver Panel design and manufacturing services. Our talented team can build bespoke panels to suit your individual recommendations. With products including air diver control panels, mixed gas diver control panels and nitrox diver control panels available we’re sure to be able to meet your needs.
Have you got a custom requirement for a dive panel? Get in touch with our sales team on +44 (0)1772 687775 or via email [email protected].