Medical Chamber Completed for Guernsey

Medical Chamber Completed for Guernsey
After all the hard work from our talented team, we have completed this fully functional 2 meter twin lock medical treatment chamber for our customer in Guernsey. The Chamber is rated to 5.0 Bar (50 MSW) working pressure and is fitted with a rectangular door 1.5 Metre high, it is able to accommodate 2 persons in the entry lock and 5 in the main lock.

The chamber is housed in a custom 40 Foot container which is split into 4 sections, the first contains a reception area leading into a second section containing the chamber. The other 2 compartments are the chamber operators control room with control panel with the final section being the machinery containing an oil-free low pressure air compressor, high pressure compressor and gas storage.

This is a system we are really proud of, designed and built here in the UK.