The Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine is Canada centre of expertise for defence research and development in human performance and protection human-systems integration and operational medicine. The DCIEM Tables are the result of more than 30 years of research and development. DCIEM pioneered the use of digital decompression computers and has used computer-decompression models since the beginning of the project. DCIEM has amassed a computer database containing information on thousands of dives. The DCIEM Manual first published in 1992 contains decompression tables for air enriched air (Nitrox) and helium-oxygen (He/O2). Air decompression tables were developed in the 1980&rsquos for Canadian Forces operational use these tables have also been adopted by foreign navies commercial diving companies and other civilian organizations.
The Sport Diving Tables were a result of the original air diving tables adapted for use by recreational divers and have had a wide acceptance by the sport diving community. In addition to air tables full Nitrox Tables are also included as well as Helium-Oxygen Decompression Tables (He/O2). He/O2 tables were developed between 1986-1991 to replace the US Navy partial pressure tables for operational mixed gas diving to 100 metres. The tables have been developed and validated by the impressive Diving Research Facility resources. This facility includes a 7 foot diameter hyperbaric chamber that can be filled with fresh water and chilled to 3C and pressurized to simulate dives to 1800m below sea level. Since its installation in 1978 the facility has been used for more than 8800 dives. The importance of DCIEM Diving Tables cannot be over estimated. The wealth of technical research and field testing behind these tables ensures that these are some of the safest tables currently available. It must also be emaphasised that as UK divers we are almost always diving in cold water conditions and all DCIEM Tables are specifically designed with cold water use in mind.