Surface Supplied Mod-1

The Surface Supplied MOD-1 is tailored for dive teams in need of a lightweight and sturdy commercial diving mask.
In Stock
SKU: 500-800
Prices are exclusive of VAT


The mask features an advanced MOD-1 mask model equipped with specialized passages for upper eye cavity ventilation and an exceptionally comfortable 7 mm stretchy hood. Crafted from premium materials such as titanium and specialty polymers, the new pod ensures increased durability and corrosion resistance. Unlike other M-48 configurations, it secures the pod to the mask using threaded inserts in the jaw frame, allowing for a secure and tool-free installation. While firmly fixed in place, the pod can be easily removed for servicing when necessary. This distinctive Surface Supplied pod incorporates a side block with two inlets: one for the main gas supply and another for the EGS supply. It includes a complete, modular communications system neatly integrated and well-protected, terminating in a newly designed KMDSI 4-pin waterproof connector. The oral cavity boasts an impressively low volume, significantly reducing residual CO2 levels. This equipment has been proven to surpass the rigorous performance criteria outlined by the United States Navy and the CE requirements of the European Union for Surface Supplied diving.